Our Projects

Checkout some of our key projects and find out how you can support us


Creating awareness through Media jingles and sensitization all across Nigeria States and major cities in West Africa

To educate parents, guardians, children and religious leaders about the vices and dangers of abuse, rape and stigmatization across the country

To have a counseling call centers to attend to thousands of Victims

To have Rescue vans all across Nigeria. This will be used to rescue anyone in danger

Ambulance on a white background

To train both locally and internationally all our volunteers and professionals working with us

Project 5000 Kids


To be able to pay 1000 indigent school fees per session through our pick a child project.

To have a free mother and child hospital in six Geo-political zones in Nigeria to reduce infant and maternal mortality rate caused by poverty


To own a shelter for children and teenagers that are homeless

To build a skill empowerment center in the western, eastern and northern part of Nigeria


To have an orphanage home for the motherless and orphans babies